Sue-Ann believes that a supportive learning environment fosters growth and encourages participants to be their personal best. She will partner with your workplace to ensure that each mental health workshop reflects your objectives. Workshops topics can be customized to suit your organization’s unique culture and values.
3 hours
Mental health gives us the capacity to thrive in life and work, yet mental health problems are on the rise and stigma is a barrier to getting help. Participants in this course will learn about common mental health problems, as well as strategies to improve mental health and support recovery from mental health problems.
12 Hours
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is intended for adults interacting with adults (18 years and older). This course focuses on the four most common mental health disorders including substance related, mood related, anxiety and trauma related, and psychotic disorders. Participants who take this course are well prepared to interact confidently about mental health with their family, friends, communities, and workplaces.
14 Hours
Mental health peer teams improve workplace mental health outcomes by providing a safe, trusting and knowledgeable space where trained peers support colleagues coping with life challenges and mental health issues. This course provides mental health peers with the knowledge, confidence, interpersonal and communication skills so refer peers to professional resources in response to diverse life and health issues.
In today’s ever-changing workplace, it’s not uncommon for employees to experience strong emotional reactions and difficulty adapting to change, which can impact their health and performance. In this workshop, participants will explore change at a personal and professional level and discover strategies for thriving through workplace change.
A civil, respectful and inclusive workplace improves trust, collaboration and business results. Yet a majority of employed Canadians have experienced harmful or unprofessional behaviour that interferes with their performance at work. This workshop examines civility and respect at a human level, in order to promote awareness and accountability for behaviour at work.
Conflict is an inevitable part of life. When managed constructively it can lead to collaboration, innovation and growth. The cost of poorly managed conflict takes its toll and can affect our health, wellbeing and performance. This workshop invites participants to explore their personal conflict style and strategies and apply proven collaborative problem-solving skills for making conflict work.
3.5 and 7-Hours
Mental health problems impact many working Canadians. This course equips leaders with practical and transferable skills for leading a mentally healthy workplace, including learning how to recognize and respond when potential mental health issues arise.
In today’s ever-changing workplace well-prepared and responsive leaders are essential for leading successful change. This workshop explores the practical and emotional impacts of change, equipping leaders with tools to promote buy-in, resiliency and accountability for business results.
Leaders play a critical role in the health, safety and performance of the workplace, by promoting accountability for behaviour at work. By incorporating real-life discussion and application scenarios, this workshop equips leaders with the concrete tools they need for leading a culture of civility and respect.
Because substance use issues can have a destructive impact on workplace safety and performance, leaders have a duty to respond. This workshop examines the impact of substance use, equipping leaders with quick and practical strategies for effectively responding to substance use at work.
Mental health problems are on the rise and can affect Canadians in their prime working years. Business professionals must feel prepared to offer hands-on guidance in response to challenging and complex mental health, safety and performance issues. Designed specifically for business professionals, this workshop includes practical and tactical strategies for responding to real-world scenarios and high-risk situations.
Business professionals play a key role in guiding a culture of civility and respect, including implementing and sustaining practices promoting a safe and professional workplace. This workshop is designed to equip business professionals with the knowledge and skills to address harmful behaviours and establish expectations for civility and respect.
Substance use can have a crippling impact on the workplace. The legalization of recreational cannabis has added new challenges for employers who are required to balance individual rights and workplace safety. This workshop equips business professionals with the knowledge and skills to address substance use in a fair, safe and constructive manner.